We liked our experience at All 4 Kidz and will go back if we need after hours care again. Call ahead because the doctor only sees one family at a time due to COVID. It was a super clean office, no crowding due to one family at a time, detailed and thoughtful exam, and prompt Rx call-in. Thank you!

Welcome To All4Kidz
We are extraordinary professionals with diverse experiences and expertise to serve you and your family in St. Petersburg, FL.
At All4Kidz, your children’s health is important to us! We keep kids happy and healthy by focusing on providing exceptional service. Our goal is to provide a pleasant and positive experience for both you and your children while focusing on your specific needs.
We use only the latest evidence-based procedures to achieve long-lasting results, and we encourage parents to participate in promoting a positive attitude towards healthy habits for the whole family!
Individualized Services – Urgent Care Experience
We are here to help your child as well as the child’s caregivers. Dr. Sal Jacob has pediatric urgent care experience, so you know your child is in good hands.
After Hours Care by Appointment
We recognize that taking care of children in the midst of busy lives, is difficult. We are here to support you with our time, to make it work for you. Our extended hours are our commitment to supporting Mom, Dad, and Caregivers, to help take care of their children of all ages. In case of an emergency in the middle of the night, give us a call and we can see your child.

Dr. Sal Jacob, MD.
20 plus years of experience treating Newborns, Children, and Young Adults. Education: St John’s Medical College, University of Kansas Medical Center, Graduate Hospital University of Pennsylvania, and Yale Children’s Hospital.
Our Mission
At All4Kidz Pediatrics, we strive to provide excellent medical care in a family and community-based environment. We uphold the highest standards of a patient-centered medical home that provides quality, personalized, and effective medical care.
Newborn Pediatrics
We are proud to offer pediatric services for our clients with newborns.
Read MoreUrgent Care Pediatrician
We know that emergency situations can be overwhelming and scary at times. We also know how important it is to have a provider you trust to assist in these situations.
Read MoreAsthma Pediatrician
Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing. Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and avoiding the triggers that can cause an attack.
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All4KidzCall Us: (727) 317-2117
Visit Us:
1907 Tyrone Blvd N
Saint Petersburg, Fl 33710
Monday – Friday: 9 am to 9 pm
Saturday – Sunday: 11 am to 6 pm
After Hours Care 24/7: by appointment.